Get Involved
We recognise that children learn and develop at their best when there is a strong partnership between practitioners, parents and carers. At Tinywoods Preschool, our staff ensure that as parents and carers, you are involved at every stage of your child’s development.
From their first induction, staff will gather information regarding your child’s stage of development, their likes and dislikes, what they can do and how you would like us to support their developing skills.
Every child is appointed a Key Worker at induction, who will ensure that your child’s needs are met and understood and will liaise with parents/carers throughout their time at Pre-school. Where a child forms a particular attachment to a different member of staff within their allocated room or age group, they will move into their group to enable the relationship to grow. Ensuring your child has a person of comfort they can seek out when needed. Staff will observe children regularly to monitor their learning and development, whilst offering more opportunities for further growth.
Using our online journal system, parents/carers will have secure access to their child’s account, where they will be able to see how their child is developing, what new skills they have learned and upload their own observations from home. This aims to encourage home learning and allow parents/carers to see the benefits of learning through play as part of their child’s teaching and learning.