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Bumblebees Room

Based in a room with lots of natural light, we accommodate children aged between 3 to 5 years. As with the Ladybirds Room, all resources are low level and easily accessible for children, encouraging independent learning.

Staff based here are experienced in working with children of this age range and have undertaken specific training to cater for children’s care, with teaching and learning aimed to capture their attention and offer experiences in exploring their creativity without limitations and develop language skills. 

Our areas of the Bumblebees Room enable children to explore and learn in a variety of ways: 

  • Our ‘Art & Craft Area’ is situated in our spacious conservatory equipped with a variety of resources to help develop fine motor skills, mark making, creativity and the expression of self. 
  • The ‘Book Corner’ has a wide range of fiction and non-fiction for children to enjoy and are encouraged to take care of books within the nursery and share stories with each other in small or larger groups.    
  • Our ‘Small World Area’ is where children will have block play with enhancements including animals, mini beasts, people and natural resources such as shells and pinecone to enhance imagination and language skills.  
  • Our ‘Sand/Water’ is a low walk in space which is easily accessible and allows children to develop a range of skills including physical skills, imagination and simple mathematics. 
  • The ‘Maths Area’ allows children to explore numbers, shapes and measures with a range of resources to explore.
  • The ‘Literacy Area’ allows children to develop their fine motor skills with a wide range of writing resources to explore.
  • Our ‘Small World Area’ is where children will have block play with enhancements including animals, mini beasts, people and natural resources such as shells and pinecones to enhance imagination and language skills.
  • The ‘Role Play-Home Corner’ allows children to explore and enhance their imaginations through real life resources. 

There is more emphasis on toilet training for this age group. Key workers will discuss with parents/carers when is best to begin this process, with parents/carers expected to begin this at home 2-3 weeks prior to beginning training at nursery. This will enable the child to become familiar with using the toilet without pressure and for parents to try a variety of methods to suit the needs of their child. Key workers will then continue the process at nursery for consistency. Parents/carers are to bring in multiple sets of spare clothes and shoes when training begins, as there may be accidents during the day and staff must have enough clothes for the child to change into. Parents/carers will also take clothes home with them daily to wash and return.  

Our experienced staff understand the need to develop children’s skills and prepare them for school. Staff will liaise with local schools to understand their meaning of ‘school readiness’ and ensure that they can support children in the build up to and during transition into school.   

School readiness does not necessarily mean that your child can count, read or write. It may simply mean that they have competent skills in toileting, self-help skills such as dressing, undressing, putting on their own shoes, good social skills and understanding instructions.  

Toilet facilities

Children have easy access to the children’s bathroom, which is situated between both Ladybirds Room and Bumblebees Room, with low level toilets and sinks to encourage and enhance independence. A child will be toilet trained when he/she is ready and staff will endeavour to make the process fun, without pressure. Parents/carers must provide nappies/pull-ups for children as required and spare clothes, should they need them for toileting or messy play.